
Ramadan Kareem

رمضان كريم. شهر رمضان هو شهر الطاعات والحرص على العبادات وأهمها صلة الرحم وزيارة الأقارب.. فكم من الجميل اداء هذه العبادات مع القدرة على ضبط النفس واتباع النظام الغذائي.. اليك بعض النصائح والإرشادات التي تساعدك على ذلك

Women's Health

Women have unique nutritional needs, what works best for one woman might not always be the best choice for another. Maintaining a balance built around a diet that caters to your vital nutritional needs can help you stay healthy, active and vibrant throughout your everyday life.  


How to Improve your Energy

In our modern world, we are faced with multiple challenges that demand our attention and slowly sap away our energy levels. Energy drinks, caffeine, ginseng, guarana are all items that you see in any grocery/pharmacy promising to give you the energy boost that you need to get through your day, however there is a healthier approach to these stop gap solutions.

What are the factors that can impact our energy span? Sleep, exercise, stress, diet and tobacco play a major role in affecting our energy levels.


Cholesterol is a substance that our body creates naturally and is needed in sufficient amounts to create new and healthy blood cells. It is essential to make certain hormones in our bodies, in addition to producing vitamin D. When elevated beyond normal levels, it starts to pose health risks. Cholesterol levels in our blood become elevated either due to hereditary genes, and/or when we consume a large amount of food rich in saturated fat. Hypercholesterolemia must be treated with lifestyle modification in addition to cholesterol-lowering medication if needed to prevent coronary heart disease. 


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